Now a local lawyer is taking some of the children to Britain to confront authorities over hundreds of such cases reported over the years. He also wants to find the fathers and seek their support. It is a long shot after years of attempts by human rights groups to hold the British ...
Not nearly as recognized as his Founder cohorts,John Jaynonetheless played a pivotal role in the creation of the United States. A lawyer, he originally preferred reconciling with Britain rather than fighting for independence. Once war broke out, however, he wholeheartedly joined the side of the ...
both the OCL and my current Family Law lawyer encouraged me to walk away and wait for my children to contact me once they are “young adults”-I disagree since there is no guarantee my children willevercome home or want any involvement with me or their extended family if I don’t remain...
I was taught growing up thatThe Constitution of the United Stateswas one of the greatest documents ever written, protecting the “rights” of “We the People,” and that therefore we are the greatest nation of the world because the laws...
Britney Spears’ Lawyer Calls Kevin Federline ‘Cruel’ For Sharing Sons' Home Videos | The Download By Liz Calvario Published: 6:14 PM PDT, April 3, 2019 Spears is currently in a facility taking time to care for herself after being under tremendous stress over her fath...