There are some suggestions that the idea of Father's Day may originate in pagan sun worship. Some branches of paganism see the Sun as the father of the universe. Father’s Day in Australia occurs on the first Sunday of September. Father’s Day in some countries is on the third Sunday o...
We’re back in business with a classic Full Haus. Break: “One Night in Bangkok” by Murray Head Close:... Podcast Full Haus | May 1, 2023 Episode 158: Unchained – Aryan Stallion 1488! With our 4th anniversary special still embargoed but out any day now, we welcome the man, the...
All parents and young people expressed the need for flexibility and adaptability of an intervention, where they could choose when they access (e.g., weekday/weekend, day/evening), how they access (e.g., phone call, text, in person) or where a service is situated (e.g., healthcare, ...
A total 36 fathers participated in the interviews. Seven main themes were identified: (i) Involvement of fathers in adolescent upbringing (i.e. engagement in meal preparation, food shopping, educational activities, physical activity); (ii) Family food environment (i.e. setting food rules, having...
343 Industries have turned their huge collection ofHalogames into a world-beating compendium of the series to date. Containing every game from the originalHalo: Combat Evolvedthrough toHalo 4, with a slew of strong multiplayer modes, it represents incredible bang for buck. More here. ...