Primary outcomes were fathers' and daughters' physical activity (steps/day). Secondary outcomes included screen-time, weight status, daughters' fundamental movement skill (FMS) proficiency, perceived sports competence, and fathers' parenting practices. Effects were assessed using linear mixed models. ...
(2012). The role of father involvement in the perceived psychological well-being of young adult daughters: A retrospective study. North American Journal of Psychiatry, 14, 95–110. Google Scholar Ali, A., & Daoud, F. (2016). Early father-daughter relationship and demographic determinants of...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Walters, G.D. Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters: Parental Knowledge and Quality of the Parent‒Child Relationship as Predictors of Delinquency in Same- and Cross–Sex Parent‒Child Dyads. J Child Fam Stud 28, 1850–1861 (20...
Joe wanted sons to carry on his family name (pgs. 8, 41; the idea that female children might carry on a family name was not part of his procreative consciousness) and used sex-selection methods to achieve this. His brothers had five daughters between them, two of whom had been adopted...
《尋找父女情》(Fathers and Daughters) 預告片 2016 上映 故事開端要追溯到80年代,作家兼普立茲小說獎得主積戴維斯 (羅素高爾 飾)喪妻後獨力養大五歲女兒姬蒂,二人相依為命,感情深厚。但不幸地,戴維斯發現自己患上癲癇症,病入膏肓。在對抗病魔的過程中,開始無力照顧年幼的女兒,最終迫於無奈地作出一個痛心疾首...
Our Father's Daughters Top Posts & Pages Tested and Tried by Fire Focus Silent Night, Holy Night, Again Every Heart Prepare Him Room You Are Mine Diversity of Color Matchless Love Election Results Mothering Mistakes Manners Matter
First, our sample is unbalanced regarding child gender, preventing the opportunity to differentiate play modalities of boys and girls and parents with their daughters and sons. Second, we did not compare parents of children with typical development or other clinical conditions. Third, participants in...
SmithAnnaSight & Sound
(2016). Fathers, adolescent daughters and gender in a low-income South African community. Journal of Gender Studies: Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 540-556. doi: 10.1080/09589236.2015.1051521doi:10.1080/09589236.2015.1051521Lesch, ElmienScheffler, Frederika...
(2016). From parents to children: the impact of mothers' and fathers' educational attainments on those of their sons and daughters in West Germany. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1- 16. doi:10.1080/01425692.2016.1150156.Minello, Alessandra; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter (2017): From ...