The Adam Project Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner 60 votes This action-packed sci-fi adventure tells the story of a time-traveling pilot who teams up with his 12-year-old self to solve a mystery involving their late father. As they uncover more about their family history, they...
The Adam Project Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner 60 votes This action-packed sci-fi adventure tells the story of a time-traveling pilot who teams up with his 12-year-old self to solve a mystery involving their late father. As they uncover more about their family history, they...
Mulhern, Tom
In one of his Instagram posts, Ryan wrote about his father, “This man taught him to understand the importance of high-quality tailored suit and many other things”. Gary Lee Seacrest is his son’s role model and his biggest fan. Gary Lee Seacrest was a son of Henry Skeen, the U.S....
Hell or High Water (II) (2016) Katie Seeley Beth I Kissed a Vampire (2010) Ryan Underbakke Caleb First Strike (2009) Scott Walker Professor Vail The Ref (1994) Calum Worthy Peter The Act (2019) Melissa Young Nurse's Assistant Tin Cup (1996) Victor Zinck Jr. Nick (as...
On Aug. 11, 1973, high school student Cindy Campbell threw a party in the recreation room of her family’s Bronx apartment building to earn money for new back-to-school clothes. Cindy hand wrote invitations on index cards and charged a modest admission fee (25 cents for ladies, 50 cents...
Old School (2003) Fran Ryan Toby's Mom 1 Stripes (1981) Robert O'Reilly Clete Walker 1 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) Don Knight Toby 1 Swamp Thing (1982) Amzie Strickland Ruby Dobbins 1 Doc Hollywood (1991) Peter Haskell Alex Clark 1 Child's Play 3 (1991...
Indeed, the likelihood of spontaneous abortion and intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal and infant death, cerebral palsy, and congenital birth defects is significantly increased with twins (Ryan et al., 2007), and they are even greater with triplets. Of course, it was not just the babies’ ...
The Adam Project Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner 60 votes This action-packed sci-fi adventure tells the story of a time-traveling pilot who teams up with his 12-year-old self to solve a mystery involving their late father. As they uncover more about their family history, they...
The Adam Project Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner 60 votes This action-packed sci-fi adventure tells the story of a time-traveling pilot who teams up with his 12-year-old self to solve a mystery involving their late father. As they uncover more about their family history, they...