I was admitted into the hospital and told that I had bronchitis. She was the one who took up the responsibility to take care of me, staying in the ward with me even when she was pregnant with my brother. A mother’s love is indeed instinctual, unconditional and forever for her child....
你们可知“何塞黎刹”也是菲律宾国父名? 近日,菲律宾首艘导弹护卫舰:“何塞·黎刹”号正式服役于菲律宾海军。据说该舰的装备,对菲律宾海军来说是历史性突破。小编不是军事迷,对这个没有太大兴趣,到是他的名字“ 何塞黎刹 ”,让我有很多故事要说。 如此重要的舰艇用何塞·黎刹的名字直接命名,可想而知这位菲律宾国父...