Setting out from San Jose, my wife and I, our son and daughter, and our travel companions, a family of good friends, first traveled into the tropical rainforest enveloping Sarapiqui. For two days, we crossed suspension bridges, listened to howler monkeys, marveled at spider monkeys swinging b...
I am playing a little more music. I revived an old guitar that my Mom had. My introduction to music came from that guitar in her hands and now it invites me to play. So I do. My dearest old friend was down from Seattle a few weeks ago, and in years past we would have played m...
THE NOTATION Josh Tillman's main musical instrument is his acoustic guitar play, strumming basic chords, and the band arrangements are centered around this. So, to get to the bottom of the songs, it is obvious to begin where Josh does - with bars of guitar chords. And indeed, the music ...