FatFs(File Allocation Table File System)是一个专为小型嵌入式系统设计的通用FAT文件系统模块。它完全由ANSI C语言编写,独立于硬件平台,因此具有很好的可移植性。FatFs支持FAT12、FAT16和FAT32文件系统,可以用于各种嵌入式平台,包括但不限于8051、PIC、AVR、SH、Z80、H8、ARM等系列单片机。 FatFs的主要特点包括: ...
> int main(void) { FIL file; FRESULT res; char buffer[256]; // 打开文件 res = f_open(&file, "example.txt", FA_READ); if (res != FR_OK) { printf("打开文件失败: %d ", res); return -1; } // 按行读取文件内容 while (f_gets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &file)...
/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */printf("\r\n*** FatFs Example ***\r\n\r\n");/*##-1- Register the file system object to the FatFs module ###*/retSD=f_mount(&fs,"",0);if(retSD) { printf(" mount error : %d\r\n",retSD);Error_Handler(); }elseprintf(" mount sucess!!!\r\...
uint8_t rtext[100]; /* File read buffers */ char filename[] = "STM32cube.txt"; char SensorBuff[100]; printf("*** STM32CubeMX FatFs Example ***\r\n\r\n"); if(f_mount(&SDFatFS,SDPath,1) == FR_OK){ printf("f_mount sucess!!! \r\n"); if(f_open(&SDFile,filename,...
Header file of existing USB MSD control module */ //#include "atadrive.h" /* Example: Header file of existing ATA harddisk control module */ //#include "sdcard.h" /* Example: Header file of existing MMC/SDC contorl module */ /* Definitions of physical drive number for each drive *...
//#define DEV_MMC 1 /* Example: Map MMC/SD card to physical drive 1 */ //#define DEV_USB 2 /* Example: Map USB MSD to physical drive 2 */ /* 为每个设备定义一个物理编号 */ #define ATA 1 // 预留SD卡使用 #define SPI_FLASH 0 // 外部SPI Flash /*---*/ /* Get Drive Stat...
("\r\n*** FatFs Example ***\r\n\r\n");//在外部 SD 卡挂载文件系统,文件系统挂载时会对 SD 卡初始化f_res=f_mount(&fs,"0:",1);/*--- 格式化测试 ---*/printf("\r\n*** Register the file system object to the FatFs module ***\r\n");/* 如果没有文件系统就格式化创建创建文...
- 最顶层是应用层:使用者只需要调用FATFS模块提供给用户的一系列应用接口函数(如f_open, f_read, f_write和f_close等),就可以像在PC上读写文件那样简单 - 中间层FATFS模块:实现了FAT文件读写协议;它提供了ff.c和ff.h文件,一般情况下不用修改,使用时将头文件包含进去即可 ...
Take example: examples/storage/fatfsgen from IDF examples. Activate PSRAM by setting Support for external, SPI-connected RAM is sdkconfig ESP PSRAM Set Clock speed at 80Mhz Set option Make RAM allocatable using malloc() as well Start debugging and you will land in spinlock_acquire() error Deb...
/ the file names to read. The maximum possible length of the read file name depends / on character encoding. When LFN is not enabled, these options have no effect. */ #define FF_STRF_ENCODE 3 /* When FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1 with LFN enabled, string I/O functions, f_gets(), ...