当FATFS配置为Unicode API (FF_LFN_UNICODE >= 1)时,f_putc、f_puts、f_printf和f_gets函数上的字符编码也会切换到 Unicode。通过这些功能读取/写入的文件上的字符编码由FF_STRF_ENCODE选择。多个编码单元中的 Unicode 字符(如代理项对和多字节序列)不能使用此函数写入。 使用条件: 这是f_write函数的包装...
获取文件大小#definef_eof(fp)((int)((fp)->fptr==(fp)->obj.objsize))// 判断文件是否到达文件末尾#definef_rewind(fp)f_lseek((fp),0)// 移动文件指针到文件开头// 目录操作FRESULTf_opendir(DIR*dp,constTCHAR*path);// 打开一个目录FRESULTf_closedir(DIR*dp)// 关闭一个打开的目录FRESULTf...
// Read the boot countuint32_tboot_count =0;FILE *f = fopen("/fs/boot_count","r+");if(!f) {// Create the file if it doesn't existf = fopen("/fs/boot_count","w+");}fread(&boot_count,sizeof(boot_count),1, f); // Update the boot countboot_count +=1;rewind(f);fwr...
// Read the boot countuint32_tboot_count =0;FILE *f = fopen("/fs/boot_count","r+");if(!f) {// Create the file if it doesn't existf = fopen("/fs/boot_count","w+");}fread(&boot_count,sizeof(boot_count),1, f); // Update the boot countboot_count +=1;rewind(f);fwr...
void die(FRESULT res){ switch(res){ case FR_OK: //The function succeeded.{ printf("rnThe...
FatFs是⼀个通⽤的⽂件系统(FAT/exFAT)模块,⽤于在⼩型嵌⼊式系统中实现FAT⽂件系统。⽹址:http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html FatFs组件的编写遵循ANSI C(C89),完全分离于磁盘 I/O 层,因此不依赖于硬件平台。它可以嵌⼊到资源有限的微控制器中,如 8051, PIC, AVR, ARM,...
// Update the boot countboot_count +=1;rewind(f);fwrite(&boot_count,sizeof(boot_count),1, f); // Remember that storage may not be updated until the file// is closed successfullyfclose(f); // Release any resources we were usingfs.unmount(); ...
// Update the boot countboot_count += 1;rewind(f);fwrite(&boot_count, sizeof(boot_count), 1, f); // Remember that storage may not be updated until the file// is closed successfullyfclose(f); // Release any resources we were usingfs.unmount(); ...
a nul string is stored into the fno->fname[] without any error.【译】一个空的字符串会被存储到FNO ->名[ ]中,不会有任何错误反馈。When a null pointer is given to the fno, the read index of the directory object is rewinded.【译】当一个空指针指向fno时,这个目录对象的读取索引将会翻转...
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