The most recent “black list” (February 2023) names the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran and Myanmar, and calls on all FATF “members and all jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence, and, in the most serious cases, countries are called upon to apply counter-m...
The following countries have had their progress reviewed by the FATF since October 2023: Barbados, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gibraltar, Jamaica, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, the Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Türkiye, the UAE, and Ug...
“non-cooperative countries or territories (nccts), the fatf blacklist is a list of countries that the fatf considers to be non-cooperative in the international fight against terrorist financing and money laundering. this list is regularly updated, with countries being either deleted off the list...
Which Countries Are Now Affected So this begs the question of when the FATF's expanded travel rule is coming to your country. The answer depends on the country; a complete list of countries and their compliance with the expanded travel rule can be found on the website of Not...
This is a matter of shame for the country, especially coming as it did in the wake of the decision of the European Commission to place Mauritius on the list of countries with strategic anti-money laundering deficiencies. Readers will also recall the embarrassment endured by ICAC, which had sta...
Everyone has experienced changing life circumstances worldwide. The loss, stress and uncertainties everyone in all countries is or are experiencing. What are we learning? Right now my life has changed so much with alot of loss and uncertainty. Yet, the gains are most amazing. ...
Pasha said banning crypto was one of the requirements set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which removed Pakistan from its gray list in October. The gray list contains countries the body considers deficient in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing measures but that are...
Jamaica is now successfully complying with 37 out of 40 FATF recommendations to eliminate financial crime and improve the country's economic ecosystem.
As a result of its mutual evaluation reports, the FATF keeps a blacklist of “high risk jurisdictions” — which currently includes only North Korea and Iran — and a grey list of “jurisdictions under increased monitoring,” which includes 19 countries and territories. ...
Everyone has experienced changing life circumstances worldwide. The loss, stress and uncertainties everyone in all countries is or are experiencing. What are we learning? Right now my life has changed so much with alot of loss and uncertainty. Yet, the gains are most amazing. ...