Fate: The Winx Saga follows the coming-of-age journey of five fairies attending Alfea, a magical boarding school in the Otherworld, where they must learn to master their enchanting powers while navigating love, rivalries, and the monsters that threaten their very existence. The show's main ...
Eve Best (born July 31, 1971) is an English actress and director. She portrays Farah Dowling on Fate: The Winx Saga. Best grew up in Ladbroke Grove, London, the daughter of a design journalist and an actress.Her early performances were with the W11 Opera
Musa | Me Too (Fate: The Winx Saga) 0 人观看 3年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Shatybelko Sech 242个粉丝 «If I was you, I'd wanna be me too»• Please watch in 1080p [HD] • Song: Meghan Trainor - Me Too• Fandom: Fate: The Winx Saga.. 显示全部.....