但由于没有现成的技能模板,导致在使用Fudge时依然需要进行修改调整, FATE继承了Fudge之长,并在轻便性以及GM的预先工作量上做出了优化,目前最新的第四版规则《FATE Core System》(《命运核心系统》)已经有中文版了,目前而言是国内最适合新手进入TPRG坑的规则之一。 其实上面这一大段都是废话,现在,让我们马上来了解FA...
Fate Core System quantity Categories:Fate,Fate Core,RPGs,RulebooksTags:ENnie Nominee,ENnie Winner Grab your plasma rifles, spell components, and jetpacks! Name your game;Fate Coreis the foundation that can make it happen.Fate Coreis a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream ...
《Fate》Croe System 主题扮演 "泛用的TRPG规则,角色扮演由“你”做主!" 游戏人数 2~8 游戏时间 0~99min 策略重度 7.5 出版年份 2017 游戏简介 你是新手小白想体验RPG,却惧怕厚重繁琐的英文规则书,或者你是资深的RPG主持人,却非常担心那些无知的新手小白破坏了游戏体验。那么《命运》将是不错的选择,灵活自由...
一款弹幕动作RPG游戏。战斗灵感来自日本街机射击游戏,探索不同的地点,遇见形形色色的人,解决谜题,并把他们聚集起来《Vacant Kingdom》 01:42 一款动作冒险RPG游戏,借鉴了《塞尔达传说》、《Neutopia》、《金斧战士》和《暗黑破坏神》等经典游戏的元素。《Shogunaria》 01:42 通过连接小方块将其移动到目的地,来...
Welcome to the final chapter in the classic, action RPG series! FATE: The Cursed King has new weapons (of course), more spells (a necessity), unique armor (sweet loots) and AI-controlled allies! Wait, what?! That’s right. This FATE game IS A PARTY. Woo! Party system! In FATE: ...
《Fate/EXTRA CCC》是一款由Imageepoch开发并由MMV-i于2013年3月28日在PSP上发售的RPG类游戏。这款游戏是《Fate/EXTRA》的续作,它描写了一个在与圣杯战争拥有完全不同的规则的世界里,失忆的前作主人公与其Servant的新故事,故事的主题是“少女的思念 ”和“爱情 ”。游戏设定 沉溺之夜,即将开始。战斗的舞台从...
Fate/EXTELLA LINK Fantasy Violence, Language, Suggestive Themes Nintendo Switch View DLC Select a product DigitalFate/EXTELLA LINK $49.99 Regular Price:$49.99 Eligible for up to250Gold Points Direct download This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. ...
In Fate Grand Order, the players will get to experience the strategic turn-based RPG system. They’re offered a wide selection of more than five different cards to control the attacks. Each card features an image of one character. Based on the characters, it decides who will strike in the...
Receive boot completedAllows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. VibrateAllows access to the vibrator. Device powerAllows low-level access to power management. android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONSApp customer permission. ...