Several anime series, such as the Monogatari and Fate series, have a disjointed watch order. Viewers frequently lose their minds over how to begin watching these perplexing yet lovely anime shows. So, today, I bring you this simple watch order guide to help you make sense of the awesome Fat...
"This is the Culdesac, it's on a Omega Planet the size of hundreds of light years in diameter in a Sub-Reality. Not far from our home one; Reality 6. Some stuff here was designed by William himself. " Omni said as he looked at his fingers. "Amber." Warlock said. "No, it's n...
"This is the Culdesac, it's on a Omega Planet the size of hundreds of light years in diameter in a Sub-Reality. Not far from our home one; Reality 6. Some stuff here was designed by William himself. " Omni said as he looked at his fingers. "Amber." Warlock said. "No, it's n...
Fate/strange Fake –Episode 1 (Special Airing) Jan 5, 17:00 anime This episode serves as an inversion to the start of Fate/stay night with a Saber that shouldn't have been summoned and a protagonist who outright refuses to become one. feature 73 comments The Worst Anime of 2024 Jan...
"This is the Culdesac, it's on a Omega Planet the size of hundreds of light years in diameter in a Sub-Reality. Not far from our home one; Reality 6. Some stuff here was designed by William himself. " Omni said as he looked at his fingers. "Amber." Warlock said. "No, it's n...