Fate/Stay Nightcelebrates its 20th anniversary this year, originally launching in 2004. The visual novel follows Shirou Emiya, a teenage boy who gets caught up in the Holy Grail War. This battle royale sees mages summoning ancient heroes to fight alongside them, in search of the Grail and its...
Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel III. spring song Fate/hollow ataraxia (Visual Novel only) Narrative Order: Fate/Stay night (2006), aka “Fate Route.” Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade ...
I was very intrigued by the concept of having these mythical figures fight each other, and the unique ways each character was portrayed. I soon fell in love with the original characters and story introduced inFate/stay night, and the rest is history. So, when I got a special chance ...
But what’s truly interesting are some of the game’s tonal divergences. Save for a route in the originalFate/stay nightwhere Saber was a villain, the character can be a bit standoffish. But Saber is typically loyal, demonstrating a dignity that’s appropriate for a former King. “Have Y...