Hyperspace Arsenal - Servants can have their Noble Phantasm coming out of thin air. Justified by the Holy Grail War system. A more litteral example would be Gilgamesh's Gates of Babylon. I Am Not Left-Handed - Thanks to Archer's relatively unknown abilities, many of his fights are won bec...
作为英灵之证明的宝具.所谓宝具,即是在英灵的传说里受到称颂的武装。也被称为Noble Phantasm。据说拥有现代魔术师望尘莫及的强大力量,一旦使用就会发挥出如传说那般的效果。 由于宝具的强度和效力是根据它们有着怎样的传说而定,所以也被解释为“以人类的幻想为骨架而被作出的武装”。虽然多是取剑、枪和弓等武器...
fate/stay night宝具 部分宝具(20张) 作为英灵之证明的宝具.所谓宝具,即是在英灵的传说里受到称颂的武装。也被称为Noble Phantasm。据说拥有现代魔术师望尘莫及的强大力量,一旦使用就会发挥出如传说那般的效果。 由于宝具的强度和效力是根据它们有着怎样的传说而定,所以也被解释为“以人类的幻想为骨架而被作出...
【Archer(弓兵)】 Archer是“弓之骑士”。Archer职阶的英灵以“宝具的强大”为特长。Archer职阶的要求并非“能力值的高低”,而是“具有强力射击武器,或者与射击武器有关的特殊能力”。Archer作为侦察兵的适应性也很高,不仅拥有骑士的“对魔力”,还具有“单独行动”的职阶能力。 【Rider(骑兵/骑乘兵)】 符合Rider...
职阶基本分为Saber(剑士)、Lancer(枪兵)、Archer(弓兵)、Rider(骑兵/骑乘兵)、Caster(魔术师)、Assassin(暗杀者)和Berserker(狂战士),以上七种。规则不允许职阶重复,因此在同一次圣杯战争里,参战的从者有不同的职阶。 英灵根据其特性决定符合的职阶,进而被召唤为相应职阶的从者。如果多个职阶适合同一位英灵,则...
也被称为Noble Phantasm。据说拥有现代魔术师望尘莫及的强大力量,一旦使用就会发挥出如传说那般的效果。 由于宝具的强度和效力是根据它们有着怎样的传说而定,所以也被解释为“以人类的幻想为骨架而被作出的武装”。虽然多是取剑、枪和弓等武器之形并以攻击为目的,但其中好像也存在持有盾、指环和王冠等形状的宝具...
An arrogant, selfish, and enigmatic Archer-class Servant. He appears familiar with Fuyuki City and has unrequited love forSaber. Typically clad in an ornate golden armor, he possesses an immense number of Noble Phantasms via Gate Of Babylon, though none (with exceptions of "Ea", "Enkidu", ...
However, Shirō, Saber, and Rin had not known of Berserker's Noble Phantasm, "God Hand", which allows him to regenerate his body eleven times, thus granting him an effective twelve lives. After previously being defeated five times by Archer, and another one time by Rin blowing away his ...
Archer-1 has a dizzying array of Nobel Phantasms. He simply states that this is nothing considering he was originally Gilgamesh. He decides that he and Saber should go at it and despite Shirou’s protest, Saber uses her Nobel Phantasm against one of Archer-1’s. She loses and also falls...