Several anime series, such as the Monogatari and Fate series, have a disjointed watch order. Viewers frequently lose their minds over how to begin watching these perplexing yet lovely anime shows. So, today, I bring you this simple watch order guide to help you make sense of the awesome Fat...
July 8, 2023 / Leave a comment I joined Reddit A LONG time ago, and like most all media, it has become infiltrated by small-penised or small-minded (maybe that is the same thing) moderators who hold their little bit of ‘power’ that they have to stop certain people from sharing ...
or even just watch enough anime, chances are you’ve heard of theFateseries. Well, the root of it all is getting a new release inFate/Stay Night Remastered, and it’s coming to both PC (via Steam) and Switch with English support this year. ...
Rather than being yet another massive MMO,Vindictus: Defying Fateis a toughDark Souls-inspired action RPG. I’m typically a fan of when game studios take their popular franchises and diversify them to appeal to different types of players, and I thinkDefying Fatehas a good chance of makingVin...
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fateis a shining example of how great the Mystery Dungeon series can be. Fans will love every second of its rewarding world while newcomers will be stumped by its undeniably old-school level of challenge....
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Loading... Heavenly Holly-days October 31, 2023~Leave a comment Hello, my avid astrological enthusiasts! It’s that time of year, and I’m in a giving mood – to this end, I have prepared a handy sign-by-sign guide to navigating 2023...
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