TYPE-MOON decided the project should be rebooted, and it was codenamed as "Fate Online Project REBOOT". Although Kinoko Nasu had said that Fate/EXTRA CCC was his last time writing anything for the Fate series, it was a lie.[54] It began when the Aniplex producer Atsuhiro Iwakami wanted ...
he held out his hand "Pleasure to meet you." "Huh?" Ritsuka blinked, seeing the outstretched hand before he stepped forwards clasped it with a smile "Y-yeah, good to meet you too." "You fool!" Olga hissed at him "What are you doing!? He just announced himself as a gh...
"You will meet yourfate." Who wouldn't find that intimidating, scary even? We have developed a negative connotation to the word itself. I am not saying that fate is always condemned to nothing more than a negative resonance, but when you have a decision to make, which will you label yo...
As one of the most widely known Shakespearean plays in China as well as around the world, Romeo and Juliet, for quite a long time, has its criticism focusing on the two major lines threaded through the whole play: a tragedy of fortune and a tragedy of fate. Prof. Li Weimin maintains t...
(In the final episode, the whole cast fights these things called "The Burned Ones" that are like Dementors meet White Walkers, but on fire, and it rocks.) Instead, I was more captivated by the maturity of the series' heroes, and the impact their behavior had on me as an adult viewer...
A change is as good as a rest - As much as it will pain Castlevania fans to admit, the series was in a pretty bad state prior to the release of Castlevania: ...
Soon though, it would no longer be a dream he mused, as he made his way through the forest towards Lili. His heart was beating with excitement as he drew closer to where they were to meet. Finally, the world would know of their love...after so long, he would be able to claim ...