An unlikely youth who gets swept in to the events of the Grand Order, Ritsuka is taken into the Chaldea Security Organization and becomes a Master Candidate to correct the present and future by traveling to the past. He meets and befriends a mysterious girl named Mash who is, in fact, a...
Novum Chaldea Fujimaru Ritsuka • Mashu Kyrielight • Fou • Leonardo Da Vinci • Sherlock Holmes • Goredolf Musik • Sion Eltnam Sokaris • Nemo • Jingle Abel Meuniere • Cerejeira Elron Finis Chaldea Olga Marie Animusphere • Romani Archaman • Leonardo Da Vinci • ...
Additionally, Ritsuka Fujimaru summons her in Fate/Grand Order's Grand Orders. Provided by: Fandom REPORT ISSUE In which altered history is Okita Souji summoned by the Oda Clan? In a modified history, Okita Souji, also known as Okita Alter, is summoned by the Oda Clan. This happens ...
“Perhaps so,” Saber acceded. “But a power like that must have its drawbacks. I do not believe our Masters would be so frivolous in its usage.” That said, even she couldn’t deny the usage of such an ability. If she had that as a king, it would’ve made...