Mash Kyrielight, a beloved character from the Fate Grand Order universe. The cute version of the figure is designed to appeal to a wide audience, making it an ideal gift for both casual and dedicated collectors. The attention to detail in the figure's design, from the comics eyes to the ...
Figure Height:100 mm | 3.9" Fate/Grand Order Rider/Ozymandias 1/8 Scale Figure This wonderful figure of Ozymandias perfectly captures his personality at only 1/8 of his original scale! He is posed sitting on his throne, legs crossed and leaning back at 7.8” tall. He has a small, smug ...
Mash-fategrandordermashGonna draw more Fate girls soon™#fategrandorder #mash #玛修·基列莱特 #竖图 #男生向昵称VaTM2GaBkE分享了这个作品 分类:二次元 格式:image/jpeg 体积:1.05MB 画师:McDobo 画师类型:P站画师 发布时间:2022-03-17 11:02:24 作品图尺寸:1000x1778 编号:1025279 下载大图 触站网...
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:Fate Grand Order Mash Kyrielight Sexy Tube Tops Maid Apron Dress Uniform Outfit Anime Cosplay Costumes PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: If you are looking for our product, the brand of the cos world is your good choice.The source type of our product is game.Our product belongs...
NameMash Kyrielight Other Namesマシュ・キリエライト, Shielder RoleDeuteragonist Primary AssignmentFate/Grand Order: First Order Media Typeanime Voiced ByRisa Taneda, 種田梨沙, たねだ りさ Voiced ByRie Takahashi, 高橋李依, たかはしりえ ...
From the popular smartphone game Fate/Grand Order comes a scale figure of Mash Kyrielight in her costume based on the Halloween exclusive craft essence "Dangerous Beast"! Mash's lovely curves (carefully engineered by... Fou-kun?) and the purple gradation of her beast-like costume make for a...
DEC188702 From Good Smile Company.Shielder/Mash Kyrielightin a very special outfit! From the popular smartphone gameFate/Grand Ordercomes a scale figure ofMash Kyrielightin her costume from the 2nd anniversaryHeroic Spirit Formal Dressseries of illustrations.Mash'sgleeful expression is complemented by...
Altera from Fate/Grand Order is a representation of the historical figure, Attila, a renowned king who founded a vast empire. In the context of the game, she is a Saber class servant, with her true identity being Attila, originating from Central Asia and Europe. Provided by: Fandom REPO...
【Mash Kyrielight - Fate/Grand Order - 】 #COS正片# #Fate/GrandOrder# #FGO# #玛修# #玛修cos# #FGO手游# #fate# 【玛修:】【摄影:@Tiefblau17】 冬日暖阳玛修罗森...
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