The figure's design is inspired by the iconic anime series, Fate/Grand Order, and is a faithful representation of the character's appearance. Its movie & TV theme makes it a perfect addition to any collection dedicated to Japanese animation. **A Collectible for the Mature Audience** With a...
The World of Fate/stay night is the world line in which Kara no Kyoukai, Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Zero, Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files, Fate/school life, and other series take place, centering around the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Most wor
You should know that each character is added with the exclusive voices of the voice actors. It is these people who create the image of the characters in the Anime. This is the great thing that Fate/Grand Order has for Fate lovers. Now every time you join the war, you will feel like ...
Wow, no one talked about the JP buffs yet (you can check them on each character's page) Mordred's buff is particularly noteworthy, as it straight up shoots her to #1 Buster farmer among Sabers, if you haveRising Mud Rainthat is, as can be seen on theBuster Looping Spreadsheet. If yo...
Carnival Phantasm (TAKE MOON) • Fate/Grand Carnival • Fate/Freedom Order • Fate/GUDAGUDA Order • Fate/KOHA-ACE • Fate/Grand Order Gutentag Omen • Fate/Grand Order Gutentag Omen Adios • Fate/Grand Order: Medb・Medb・Medb! Shimo Aono Works • Fate/Grand Order MyCraf...
He is a hidden character, so there is no information about him from official announcements. He is the first non limited Avenger Servant available in the game. If you already have a copy of him, getting him again will prompt the "new Servant" animation as you would when getting a Servant...
Designed for both men and women, this unisex jacket is perfect for cosplay enthusiasts looking to embody the iconic character. The high-quality polyester material ensures durability and comfort, making it an ideal choice for extended wear at conventions or themed events. **Versatile and Authentic ...
Specifications: Material: High-quality PVC Size: Approximately 23cm in height Theme: Movie & TV, Anime Fate Stay Night Recommend Age: Suitable for ages 14 and up ACG Character: Saber Figure, a beloved female Fate Grand Order character Design and Style: Casual Clothes Saber PVC Action Figure,...
MiHoYo announced that aFate/Grand Ordercrossover eventwould appear inHonkai: Star Railin 2025. However, details about the collaboration have been scarce. No character has been confirmed. That said, based on the illustration, it seems like Archer would make an appearance. More information about th...
Iori Miyamotois a character from the Video GameFate/Samurai Remnant. They have been indexed as男性 青少年 with 黑色 eyes and 黑色 hair that is 齐耳 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色黑色 头发颜色黑色 头发长度齐耳 Apparent Age青少年 ...