Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. 影片资料 家长引导 本片在日本的评级为【G】,适合任何年龄观看。
Only did the very first Camelot mission near the end of MArch to get the last mats I need to breeze through Astolfo's ascension and stopped because the difficulty spike scared me. Flash forward last week and I decided to try it again during the 0 AP event. At the time I only had ...
“不仅是相遇那一天(指的是管制所爆炸),在这个grand order中,一直都是你在帮助我,这份事实,我从心底感激你。”“多亏了你和玛修,我终于迎来了这个时刻。”Fo:“………呜”guda:“doctor……”/“罗曼,你的身体………”(罗曼身体发光)罗曼:“——盖提亚。你说过不需要魔术王之名了对吧,那么,我也重新自我...
“Fate/Grand Order: The Movie - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot” adapts the sixth chapter of the mobile game “Fate/Grand Order” as a two-part anime film. This timeRitsukaandMashare accompanied by the beautiful geniusda Vinci-chanand after their rayshift they find themselves in...
हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Fate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm Of The Round Table: Camelot Paladin; Agateram(2021) Directed by(1) Writing credits(4) ...
Here you can find a list of all currently known voice actors and their respective roles in the anime “Fate/Grand Order: The Movie - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot”. If you know of any more voice actors who worked on “Fate/Grand Order: The Movie - Divine Real...
I give you Arthur, the star of Camelot!" So the legendary star is invited onstage by the head of Camelot Productions. Tonight's dazzling performance is a memory you will carry with you for the rest of your life. Cards with Similar Effects ...
Fate/Grand Order 中文 Wiki No122. 崔斯坦崔斯坦 ★★★ 日文名: トリスタン 别名: Drustanus, Trystan, Tristram, Trischin ID: 122 Cost: 12 ATK: 1622/9735 HP: 1862/11637 圣杯ATK: 11787 圣杯HP: 14110 声优: Uchiyama Kouki 绘师: 森井しづき 属性: Earth 成长曲线: S 星星获得: ...
Sixth Singularity Divine Round Table Domain: CamelotThe Shining Airgetlám The Holy LandWP A.D. 1273 EX Seventh Singularity Absolute Demonic Front: BabyloniaChain of the Heavens MesopotamiaWP B.C. 2655 A++ Final Singularity The Grand Temple of Time: SolomonThe Rain of Stars A.D. 2016 —...
FATE GRAND ORDER MOVIE CAMELOT PALADIN BEDIVERE PERCHING FIG From theFate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot Paladinanimated movie comes a Premium Perching Figure of the main character,Bedivere.This figure stands about 5.7" tall....