Miho Midorikawa, Shiro Miwa, Ryudai Murayama, Melon 22, Kei Mochizuki, former villager, Shizuki Morii, Daisuke Moriyama, Kotetsu Yamanaka, YOCO_N (LASENGLE), Hiroki Lake, Mai Yoneyama, La-na, lack, Riyo, Ryota-H, redjuice, Redrop, Robina, Wa Kususa, Wada Arco, Rei Watari (in alphabet...
If she doesn't go all in, she is about as useful as a 2 star servant. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of useful 2* servants, but they most certainly pop very easily. The same is typically true for high rarity berserkers, but offensive buff stacking has become so common that...
NA TL Height/Weight: 167cm, 56kg Origin: History Region: Japan Alignment: Chaotic-Good Gender: Female "My formal name? Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami Fujiwara-no-Harunobu. But it's easier to just say Musashi." Bond 2 正しい史実においては、 作州(今の岡山県美作市)大原の生まれ。1584年生...
Even when you go late game he will still be useful, if even in the very back of your party. I think you should definitely choose him if you love Greek stuff. If you've seen the anime, Herc is also very bad@$$. Misguided said: ↑ This is awesome timing, as I am feeling ...
She's an unreasonable goddess who will force you to go out, fight, and triumph, no matter how harsh the battlefield may be. Instantly, everyone will understand; "Ah, this lady fundamentally doesn't understand human hearts." She loves hard-working living beings, wishes to safeguard the ...
I got her in NA today and is still debating whether or not I should special ascend her (starting a new account cuz my old account is lost) CODE9573·4/2/2024 I also got the Trung sisters after her. Should I special ascend them instead? (Sorry for the tangent) RuptureFGO·4/8/...
Add 2 years and that's the rough estimate of when she'll be up again for NA! But for now, her next rate up should be next year with the summer rerun banners. They won't come with an event rerun though, unfortunately so get that Rulervinci! Phantomstrike66·9/14/2023 Awesome, ...