She shares the exact HP values at minimum withKarna. Saber 5★Artoria Pendragon•Altera•Okita Sōji•Mordred•Nero Claudius (Bride)•Ryōgi Shiki•Miyamoto Musashi•Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)•Sigurd•Beni-Enma•Astolfo•Dioscuri•Ibuki Dōji•Senji Muramasa•Okita Sōji (Alter)...
Even when you go late game he will still be useful, if even in the very back of your party. I think you should definitely choose him if you love Greek stuff. If you've seen the anime, Herc is also very bad@$$. Misguided said: ↑ This is awesome timing, as I am feeling ...
Failed it twice because he NP sealed in one go every single turn, attacked twice every turn, and frequently critted (while I never got any crits). I really hate when they don't design fights like that around making it impossible to get screwed by RNG. Zaizee·4/13/2024 Imagine she...