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His Class is Saber, but he is often summoned as an Archer due his renown with a bow. The tale of Tristan and Iseult, the woman he loved, is a legend boasting outstanding popularity in Europe. Tristan is a child born from Rivalen (king of Leonois) and Blancheflor, the younger ...
File:Archercardborder12.png File:Archercardborder13.png File:Archercardborder14.png File:Archercardborder15.png 阿周那子吉尔比利小子崔斯坦俵藤太 File:Archercarborder16.png File:Archercardborder17.png File:Archercardborder18.png File:Archercardborder19.png ...
FATE/STAY NIGHT设定用语集:http://www.iiyama-catv.ne.jp/~walachia/yougo-menu.html 月研:http://lab.vis.ne.jp/tsukihime/ 以及其它一些零散地方 2,碍于时间跟精力只能挑主要的跟感兴趣的整理,其它的推荐大家去上面看看. 3,欢迎挑错. 「FATE/STAY NIGHT」设定用语集 Archer: 身高187cm,体重78kg...
1 Gilgamesh 2 List of minor characters 3 EMIYA (Archer) 4 Shirou Emiya 5 : On Day 15, if Shirou decides not to go down into the church's basement, he goes home to an upset Saber. She soon proposes that they cooperate with Lancer in order to defeat Gilgamesh. However, Kirei soon arr...
The Servants are usually only addressed by their Class. Knowing a Servant's real name may give a clue to their weaknesses, so their names are kept secret where possible. Also, out of formality, most Servants refer to their masters simply as "Master," but Archer and Saber go against ...
General Class: SaberNoble Phantasm: Teardrop Photon RaySaber is the incarnation of Atilla the Hun, a warrior princess wearing a white veil. She has the highest rank ability as Saber. Gilgamesh (Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki) Adjudant Class: ArcherNoble Phantasm: Enuma ElishGilgamesh is a hero from...
#萌娘资源# #Fate/GO# Archer#吉尔伽美什# 真正称得上王的英雄,天地之间只有我一个人。剩下的就只是一些杂种了。 #搜狗输入法皮肤#下载:http://t.cn/Rau5jOZ
Archer, aka: Gilgamesh, shows up after having defeated his opponent from Kirei, Assassin. As a former, powerful king, he’s not amused at this petty action on the part of Tokiomi but decides to go along with it for now. As he waits for the next action, Archer is going to see if ...