Fate/Extra CCC (フェイト/エクストラ CCC, Feito/Ekusutora CCC?, Fate/EXTRA CCC) —сиквел Fate/Extra. ПервоначальнаядатавыходавЯпонии - весна 2012, которуюпозжеперенеслиназиму 2
Sadly, the Japanese wiki for CCC is much more incomplete, so most of the lines will be by ear, but on the other hand, the line numbers have the same meaning as Extra! So with that, I’ll know when a line is a counterattack remark, an “I just died” line, or a “chiding the...
Main article:Fate/EXTRA (manga) The game received a Manga adaptation illustrated byRobi〜naand published byKadokawa ShotenWP. The manga was serialized inComptiqand compiled in 6 volumes. The first volume was released on September 26, 2011 and the second volume on March 22, 2012. The third ...
闪线和ccc线无铭都..玩的时候困难遇见老多了,网上也查不到攻略,看着机翻的cccWiki过去了,tiger quest也全完成了,有什么可以问我,我差不多都能回答,saber线和caster线我还没玩,不过应该也大差不差,
开服啦! https://fgo.wiki/「Fate/EXTRA_CCC×FGO」开幕前夕预热活动 CCC预热活动了解一下~
2 TYPE-MOON BOOKS.Fate/EXTRA material.TYPE-MOON BOOKS.2013 3 TYPE-MoonGame Fate/EXTRA CCC 第七章 乙女の深层 I LOVE YOU 4 Sound Drama Fate/EXTRA 第二章 强きもの弱きもの オマケドラマ「帰ってきた!ブロッサム先生! 狐虎编」 5 Saver (Fate/Extra) .TYPE-Moon Wiki [引用日期2015-07-9] ...
5.1.2Fate/EXTRA Last Encore ORIGINAL DRAMA CD 2 "Tales Told by the Fox" 6References 7External Links Plot « Through "Last Encore", I tried to make it something that feels different depending on whether you know the premise. For the people who will watch this anime as their first "EXTR...
Fate/Extra漫画是由MMV-制作的PSP平台角色扮演游戏《Fate/EXTRA》改编而成。在杂志《Comptiq》上连载,并由角川书店发行。共六卷完结。影片内容 《Fate/EXTRA》讲述了在魔力枯竭的背景下,魔术师(Wizard)们参加月之圣杯战争的故事。漫画采用的是游戏里男性岸波白野与红saber尼禄·克劳狄乌斯为主角的路线。漫画对原作...