With Extra moving into an editing and playtesting phase, I was free to move onto CCC. It’s hard to give actual progress numbers with the battle dialog since there’s a lot of non-battle dialogue mixed in, but I’ve translated the lion’s share of Nero, Archer, and Gilgamesh’s dial...
收费状态:运营商:Marvelous Entertainment 游戏特征:动作游戏官网:点击进入 游戏地区:游戏专区:http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1027746.html 游戏画面: 游戏专区Fate/Extra CCC-游戏简介 Fate/Extra CCC is a sequel and companion game to Fate/Extra. It has the same game mechanics as Fate/Extra with ...
Fate EXTRA CCC游戏简介 Fate EXTRA CCC手机版是一款特色十足的日系战斗rpg手游,原汁原味的经典剧情,豪华的声优阵容,畅快的战斗打击感,为了正义而战,跨服pk,精彩等你发现。 Fate EXTRA CCC手机版特色: 1、史上最多英灵集结,跨越时代的终极召唤; 2、通过回合制的形式展开指令战斗; 3、执行与“历史”对抗的作战。
CCC EXTRA Garden例图 (话说里面闪闪的节操啊啊啊——!!!红酒+湿身神马的瞬间魅惑了有木有??!
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Apr 25, 2020 #1 This is a comments thread for the following album: https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/fate-extra-ccc-original-soundtrack You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link Home...
已经在玩了,但是最想要的果然还是一代的 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 码...
(ccc里提过ea是造国权能,但是无论是ccc和就目前设定,ea都不可能是单纯的造国权能) 2.ea可以吃到fe的加成,理论上来说传说即为真这个加成能吃到的只有自然神灵(造国权能无法得知在不在这个范围内,但是王权没有在fe里提供得到加成) 分享197 fate吧 marker11 这算什么类型的宝具 分享1229 fate吧 A小万I 忽然...
(Supplementary Fig. S2). The extra band of #2 (~250 nt), which was generated most abundantly as early as 30 min, might be generated through interaction of the 3′-CCC of -sscDNA with one of the GGG triplet followed by subsequent elongation to 5′-end of the pbs-sRNA. To support...