Maya— make animations, environments, motion graphics, virtual reality, and character creation, all in one toolset. Onshape— a modeling software specially oriented to design technical and spare parts, was the first full-cloud 3D software created. OpenSCAD— a software for creating solid 3D CAD ob...
Emotimg The images(maid character) attached make the conversation more enjoyable. Empregos Agro Explore the Empregos Agro platform and search for jobs and learning content in the agro-business. Engage AI Retrieve hashtag follower counts, trends & suggestions to increase your content reach on Linked...
然而,苹果并不希望有人通过MAC地址来分辨用户,所以如果你在iOS7系统上查询MAC地址,它现在只会返回02:00:00:00:00:00。 现在苹果明确的表明你应该使用-[UIDevice identifierForVendor]或是-[ASIdentifierManager advertisingIdentifier]来作为你框架和应用的唯一标示符。坦白的来说,应对这些变化也不是那么的难,见以下代...