** “**Chapter 4 Status (FATCA status)**” 指的是**美国《外国账户税收合规法案》(FATCA, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act)**下的实体分类。FATCA 要求**金融机构**和某些非金融实体报告与美国税务相关的信息,以防止逃税行为。 这部分需要**企业(实体)**根据 FATCA 规则选择自己的适用状态。 --- #...
而这其中所谓美国税法第四章下的身份 (Chapter 4 Status),也就是我们常说的FATCA下的合规身份。根据2016年4月美国政府发布的最版W-8BEN-E表格,可供选择的FATCA下的合规情形达32种之多。 此外,从2016年1月1日开始,全球包括英国、法国、德国、韩国、英属开曼群岛、英属维尔京群岛在内的50多个国家和地区已经开...
而这其中所谓美国税法第四章下的身份 (Chapter 4 Status),也就是我们常说的FATCA下的合规身份。根据2016年4月美国政府发布的最版W-8BEN-E表格,可供选择的FATCA下的合规情形达32种之多。 此外,从2016年1月1日开始,全球包括英国、法国、德国、韩国、英属开曼群岛、英属维尔京群岛在内的50多个国家和地区已经开...
FATCA Status Does this apply to you? Whilst most FATCA categories set out in the legislation are not reportable, some may be applicable to you. In order to make sure that we are able to match you against the FATCA categories, we are asking you to provide confirmation of your FATCA status...
In order to make sure that we are able to match our customers against the FATCA categories, we are asking our customers to provide confirmation of their FATCA status, review the conditions that apply, and confirm that they are satisfied. HSBC is not able to provide tax advice in respect of...
indicia. For a status change of U.S. Person to non U.S. Person, a completed "U.S. Person Declaration Form" to be accompanied by completed Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E with satisfactory documents evidence need to be submitted. For a status change of non U.S. Person to U.S. Person, ...
FATCAStatusIdentification-ForIndividualClient FATCA客戶身分別聲明書-自然人適用 Date填寫日期: PleasecompleteinBlockLETTERS請用正楷填寫 NameinEnglish 英文名稱 NameinChinese 中文名稱 IdentityDocumentDetails身份證明文件資料 DocumentCategory證件類別Number號碼IssueCountry簽發國家 ...
1 人壽保險業 FATCA 註冊情形統計彙整表 List of FATCA Status and GIIN of Life Insurers 序號 金融機構名稱 金融機構 FATCA 狀態 全球中介機構識別碼 (GIIN) 1 臺銀人壽保險股份有限公司 BankTaiwan Life Insurance Co.,Ltd Reporting Model 2 FFI 11K4SG.00003.ME.158 2 台灣人壽保險股份有限公司 Taiwan ...
FATCA Status of Financial Institution 全球中介機構識別碼 Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) 39 聯邦商業銀行股份有限公司 Union Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. Reporting Model 2 FFI 81BM6R.99999.SL.158 本表揭示內容,係依各銀行提供予本會之資料所彙整之結果,如與美國國稅局IRS之FATCA線上註冊網站相關...
status: U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent resident (green card) status; A U.S. birthplace; A U.S. residence address or a U.S. correspondence address (including a U.S. P.O. box); A current U.S. telephone number; Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in...