FATCA Information for Individuals Summary of FATCA Reporting for US Individual Taxpayers What form do I need to report my foreign financial assets? Comparison of Form 8938 and FBAR Requirements Do I need to file the statement of foreign financial assets? Basic Questions and Answers on Form 8938 ...
Under the CRS Regulations, a Cayman Islands Reporting FI may identify and authorise a “person”, rather than an “individual” as previously required, as the entity’s principal point of contact (PPOC) for the purposes of its compliance with CRS and, except in circumstan...
This form is completed to confirm US tax status. W-8 forms: This is a link to the withholding certificates referred to as ‘W-8s’ on the IRS website. This is a series of forms that are completed to confirm non-US tax status. In order to provide customers with further support when ...
Instead please complete a “FATCA and CRS Self-Certification (for Individual)”. 若您为个人账户持有人、独立贸易商或自营业主,请勿填写此声明书。请改填《FATCA及CRS身份声明书(个人版)》。 For joint or multiple account holders please complete a separate form for each account holder. 若您为联名账户...
status. The form establishes that one is a non-resident alien or foreign corporation, to avoid or reduce tax withholding from U.S. source income. These forms will permit a non-US customer to self-certify their status under FATCA. Inter-governmental agreement (IGA) An IGA is an agreement ...
FATCA compliant individual but not a US taxpayer should declare their status by providing suitable W8 form. What happens if the information, documents and statements required within the scope of FATCA are not submitted? FATCA compliant customers will be considered as “U.S. Reportable Account” if...
Please use this form 請填妥此自行證明書: If you are an individual/joint account holder, sole trader, sole proprietor holding an existing account with us and you are notifying us of a change in circumstances. Please complete Section 1, 2, 3 and 5. 若您是個人/聯名帳戶持有人、唯一交易商、...
If you meet the below requirements, you must file Form 8938: You are a U.S. taxpayer (any individual who is required to file income tax) living domestically or abroad Citizen Resident alien Non-resident alien who either 1) files a tax return or 2) is a bona fide resident of American ...
it has become more difficult to open or maintain a bank account overseas without having to sign an IRS Form W-9 or other U.S. tax-related documentation. This increasingly common bank procedure is a result of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which requires foreign banks and other finan...
There are penalties for failing to file Form 8938. The IRS can impose a $10,000 failure to file penalty, an additional penalty of up to $50,000 if the guilty party continues to not file after notification by the IRS, and a 40% penalty for understating taxes attributable to non-disclose...