FATCA Form中文释义 RESTRICTED 主动的非金融外国实体FATCA 声明
IRS Form W-8. 貴公司不符合上述任何一項,在此情況下請填寫及遞交適當之美國國稅局表格W-8。 客戶聲明 Declaration by Client 1. I/We hereby affirm that the information provided in this self-certification form is true, correct and accurate as of the moment of provision. I/We undertake to ...
Declare your tax statuses by completing the relevant certification form(s) found here. Read the full set of CRS and FACTA policies and FAQs as well.
Select the check box to provide consent of the FATCA & CRS terms and conditions and to provide consent to the declaration. Click Submit . The Review screen appears.ReviewThe review screen displays all the information that you have entered in the form. You can review this information and if ...
Section 2: FATCA Declaration 第2 部分:外國帳戶稅務遵從法聲明 Please answer the following question in order to confirm your status under the tax laws and regulations of the United States. 按照美國的稅務法規,請回答以下問題以確認您的身份。
f) Passive Non-Financial Entity 非實質營運之非金融機構法人 Please complete Individual/Controlling Person - Self Certification Form (FATCA and CRS) 請填寫「個人/控制人-自我聲明表格(FATCA 與 CRS)」 7|Page PingPong Intelligence Limited FATCA CRS Self declaration (entity) V1.1–20220...
RESTRICTED FATCA Declaration for Active Non-Financial Foreign Entities Bank use only Customer?Name? Customer?Number? Customer?Address? Customer?Permanent?Residence?Address,?if?different?from?the?above?address ? ? Your?Permanent?Residence?Address?is?the?address?of?where?you?are?treated?as?resident?for...
(non‐trust) – other‐equivalent 法律安排(非信託)的控權人士-相當 於其他 7 f o 5 ) 8 1 0 2 / 4 0 ( F C S I Section 5: Declaration and Undertakings 第 5 部分:聲明及承諾 I declare that the information provided in this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, ...
Form W-9 FATCA Declaration for Active NFFE or Form W-8 FATCA Declaration for Non Profit Organisations or Form W-8 Form W-8 * Please download Form W-8 and Form W-9 from the US IRS website (http://www.irs.gov/). Standard forms "FATCA Declaration for Active NFFE" and "FATCA ...
8. I am/We are established for the following non-profit purpose: 本人╱吾等為以下非牟利宗旨而成立: I/We confirm that I am/we are duly authorised to give this declaration on behalf of the above named entity. I/We certify that the information on this form is accurate. If at any time,...