Instead, please complete an "Individual/Controlling Person - Self Certification Form (FATCA and CRS)". 若您為個人 帳戶持有人或獨資經營者,請勿填寫此自我聲明表格.請改填「個人/控制人-自我聲明表 格(FATCA 與 CRS)」. Where the account holder is a passive non-financial foreign entity ...
致: To: 大新銀行有限公司(「銀行」) Dah Sing Bank, Limited (the "Bank") 外國賬戶稅務合規法案及共同匯報標準的客戶聲明書(公司/機構) Self-Certification Form (Entity) for FATCA & CRS 為配合由 2014 年 7 月 1 日起正式生效之美國《外國賬戶稅務合規法案》("FATCA")及在 2016 年 6 月 30 日...
FATCA/CRS Entity Self-Certification Form – ZH_TW 1789184 01/19 第3 頁共4頁 FATCA/ CRS 實體自我證明表格 第 4 部分 - 上市非金融外國實體或與上市實體關聯的非金融外國實體 證明 A. ☐ 茲證明: • 第 1 部分所列實體係不屬於金融機構的非美國公司;且 • 該公司的股票定期在一個或多個具...
Select the FATCA & CRS link displayed as part of a message on the dashboard. The FATCA & CRS Self - Certification Form for Entities appears.Identification of the EntityIn this section, basic details of the entity are captured such as the name and address details of the entity....
FATCA/CRS Self-Certification For translated versions of the form, please seehere For accounts in Japan, Russia and India, please seehere In order to receive a refund of interest withheld during the current calendar year due to the fact that TTS did not have a valid IRS Tax Form W-8 or ...
Individual/ControllingPersonSelfCertificationForm(FATCAandCRS) 個⼈╱控權⼈⼠⾃⾏證明書(FATCA及CRS) Please read these instructions before completing the form. 填寫自行證明書前,請先參閱下列指引。 General 總則 Regulations based on Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) and Organisation fo...
就“AEOI 条例” 而言,“ 金融机构” 指“ 存款机构” ( Depository Institution)、“ 托管机构” ( Custodial Institution)、“投资实体”(Investment Entity)或“指定保险公司”( Specified Insurance Company)。 3.2 AEOI 制度之间关于“金融机构”(Financial Institution)的某些定义略有不同,但按照“CRS 条例”下...
1.FATCA and CRS Self-CertificationForm >> i)Individualii)Entityiii)Controlling Person 2. CRS and FATCA Terms >> i) Individual ENBM ii)Entity ENBM iii)Controlling Person ENBM 3. Related website >> i) Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia
1.FATCA and CRS Self-CertificationForm >> i)Individualii)Entityiii)Controlling Person 2. CRS and FATCA Terms >> i) Individual ENBM ii)Entity ENBM iii)Controlling Person ENBM 3. Related website >> i) Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia
1.FATCA and CRS Self-CertificationForm >> i)Individualii)Entityiii)Controlling Person 2. CRS and FATCA Terms >> i) Individual ENBM ii)Entity ENBM iii)Controlling Person ENBM 3. Related website >> i) Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia