This section captures information required to identify the category under which the entity falls with regards to FATCA & CRS classifications of entities.Field Description In the Please select a category to which the entity belongs field, select the applicable option. If you have selected the ...
致: To: 大新銀行有限公司(「銀行」) Dah Sing Bank, Limited (the "Bank") 外國賬戶稅務合規法案及共同匯報標準的客戶聲明書(公司/機構) Self-Certification Form (Entity) for FATCA & CRS 為配合由 2014 年 7 月 1 日起正式生效之美國《外國賬戶稅務合規法案》("FATCA")及在 2016 年 6 月 30 日...
Using data and technology to classify account holders for FATCA and CRS can absorb a significant amount of the heavy lifting associated with manual account holder documentation outreach and remediation. The classification process can be applied to new client onboarding, as well as large numbers of p...
For all other classifications, please complete theIGA (Inter-Governmental Agreement) Declaration. Please also refer to this guidance if you are an individual who is transferring either an existing personal policy into trust or opening a new trust account. ...
This section captures information required to identify the category under which the entity falls with regards to FATCA & CRS classifications of entities.Field Description In the Please select a category to which the entity belongs field, select the applicable option. If you have selected the ...
For all other classifications, please complete theIGA (Inter-Governmental Agreement) Declaration. Please also refer to this guidance if you are an individual who is transferring either an existing personal policy into trust or opening a new trust account. ...