Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited (“Hang Seng China”) has made a commitment to being fully FATCA compliant in all countries where we operate. This means we have to report affected customers’ income and profit details to the US tax authorities. In order to do so, we will need to obtain...
6. : : 1 6 30 E 4 1 / 6 0 8- 1 ) X Y ( 1 R - 2 A C T A () F X N C RESTRICTED FATCA Declaration for Active Non-Financial Foreign Entities Bank use only Customer Name Customer Number Customer Address Customer Permanent Residence Address, if different from the above address ...
HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited 5th Floor Harbourview Center 37 Front Street, Hamilton HM11 Bermuda Please read the information carefully and select the document that you need to confirm your tax status to us. Non-profit declaration: This is an HSBC document, aimed at non-profit organisations, which ...
For the purpose of these pages, and frequently asked questions and glossary documents, ‘HSBC’ refers to HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (HSBC Malaysia), HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad (HSBC Amanah) and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Offshore Banking Unit Labuan (HSBC Labuan). ...
适用於主动非金融外国实体FATCA声明.PDF,FATCA Declaration for Active Non-Financial Foreign Entities 適用於主動非金融外國實體的FATCA聲明 Bank use only 銀行專用 Customer Number 客戶編號 Certificate of Incorporation (C)/Business Registration Certificate (B)/O
1976年后,财政部索性将接受海外账户申报的权利变更到财政部,进行海外账户申报的表格为金融犯罪执法网(FinCen)的“海外银行和金融机构账户报告”(Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts )(TD 90-22.1)。《海外账户税收合规法案》设立的“海外金融资产申报系统”的要求向国税局填报“8938号”表格进行申报。
FATCA Form中文释义 RESTRICTED 主动的非金融外国实体FATCA 声明
Hang Seng Bank will be one of the fully FATCA compliant banks in the world. Learn more about FATCA and how this will affect your personal or business account.
Substantial Presence TestPhysically present in U.S for at least 31 days during the current year and 183 days during the 3 years period. Standing InstructionStanding instruction for the bank to pay recurring amount to an account maintained in U.S. ...
The Bank is not able to offer U.S. tax advice or any advice on FATCA or its impact on the entity. The entity and I/we should seek advice from professional tax advisor for any tax questions. 7. 在不影響上述第 1 條的情況下及除該條款之外,本人(等)知悉及同意,銀行可根據《稅務條例》(...