DEATH rateAGRICULTURAL laborersFIRE fightersVOLUNTEER fire departmentsVOLUNTEERSFISHERIESThe article explores the data available on occupational facilities among those working as firefighters, farmers, and police officers. Topics include census of fatal occupational injuries (CFOI), reason that one of the ...
Eleven years of occupational mortality in law enforcement: The census of fatal occupational injuries, 1992-2002 Fatality rates were compared among law enforcement occupations, cause of death, and demographics with rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals.ResultsDuring ... HM Tiesman,SA Hendricks,JL ...
This is subjective, obviously. Passing someone in an unsafe manner might get you this ticket, but if you're the idiot swerving in and out, across all lanes of traffic at a high rate of speed, I'd bet reckless driving is going to be more your cup of tea. 4 Points - Failure to Obs...
The preliminary investigation revealed that a white Suzuki motorcycle was traveling westbound in the 2300 block of Stan Schlueter Loop at an extremely high rate of speed, reportedly weaving through traffic. The operator of the motorcycle attempted to brake to avoid a collision with a Toyota sedan t...
Doctors lawyers and police officers routinely top suicide lists. And some jobs are plain dangerous: miners have the highest job-fatality rate in the country. Less extreme but much more widespread are the psychological hazards that result from 10 years of corporate downsizing and having to keep up...
Utica Police Officers working downtown Utica in the 40s and 50’s An office help a woman and her daughter cross the street . It loos like corner of Genesee and Lafayette Streets Utica's Chicken Riggies Dish Wasn't Invented in Utica? Say It Isn't So. ...
In order to calculate your target heart rate, first identify your maximum heart rate (220-your age); your target heart rate is 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. Don't forget to account for warm up and cool down time. This is a vital step in injury prevention that many ...
The BJS uses surveys to assess injury rates and sampling of police departments for fatality rates. Results The BJS found the average injury rate to be 34.4 per 100,000 for 2002, 2005, and 2008, while the CDC reports 23.2 per 100,000 for the same period. The BJS was 1.48 times more ...
However, little research has attempted to quantitatively measure the impact of various forms of police enforcement, such as the percentage of enforcement time and the quantity of resources, on fatality rate. Therefore, this study was set forward to fill this gap. Data from the highway patrol in...