fatal: unsafe repository(xxx is owned by someone else.) To add an exception for this directory, call git config –global –add safe.directory 本文介绍处理方法。 处理方案1:忽略单个目录 哪个目录里有git,就通过命令行添加哪个目录,多个目录,多次添加。 git config --global --add safe.directory D:/...
“fatal: unsafe repository”错误通常出现在使用Git进行版本控制时,当Git检测到仓库目录可能被不安全的配置或权限设置所影响时,会抛出此错误。这通常意味着Git无法确保仓库数据的完整性和安全性。 可能导致此错误的原因 仓库目录权限设置不当:如果仓库目录的权限设置过于宽松,可能导致其他用户或进程能够修改仓库内容,从而...
近期升级了 Git v2.37.0,发现在git bash进入git目录执行git命令时出现错误:Fatal error "unsafe repository ('git目录名' is owned by someone else)",无法使用git做一些操作。 问题解决 两个方法:降级到v2.35.2之前,或者,git config --global --add safe.directory 仓库目录 问题原因 git在v2.35.2版本前被...
Ubuntu克隆下源码对其操作时git报错 fatal: unsafe repository 并提示可以: gitconfig--global--addsafe.directory /目录 1. 解决思路: 按提示执行确实可以短暂避免该问题,但治标不治本,且文件很多时需要一个个敲命令。 产生这一问题的本质原因是下载代码的所有权没有转移,即你下载了别人的代码,...
fatal: unsafe repository (’ xxx path ’ is owned by someone else)To add an exception for this directory 1. 本质是git升级导致的用户权限不足的问题 2. 异常 Admin@LAPTOP-CQKSUP6R MINGW64 /d/open_source/Interview $ git add ./ fatal: unsafe repository ('D:/open_source/Interview' is owned...
fatal: unsafe repository ('D:/work/modern_cmake_work/ModernCMake' is owned by someone else) To add an exception for this directory, call: git config --global --add safe.directory D:/work/modern_cmake_work/ModernCMake 问题依旧。看来很顽固。
General overview of your idea. With git-2.35.2 a new blocking behavior has been introduced without any user friendly solution. fatal: unsafe repository ('F:/GitHub/my-project' is owned by someone else) In my case we generate hundreds of ...
fatal: unsafe repository ('...' is owned by someone else) To add an exception for this directory, call: git config --global --add safe.directory . I know that editable installs from root are insecure and that just adding files to such dirs allows privelege escallation. I know that ...
fatal: not in a git directory 在执行 brew -v 命令时: xxMacBook-Pro ~ % brew -v Homebrew 3.4.1 fatal: unsafe repository ('/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core' is owned by someone else) To add an exception for this directory, call: ...
fatal: unsafe repository('/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services'is owned by someoneelse)Toaddan exceptionforthis directory, call:... fatal: notinagitdirectory Error: Command failed withexit128:git 2. 解决方案 按照错误提示...