报错内容: $ git add . fatal: Unable to create 'E:/project/qbm_cs/.git/index.lock': File exists. Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g. an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a ...
有时候在提交的时候,中间提交出错,导致有文件被lock,所以会报下面的错误: fatal: Unable to create ‘/msg/.git/index.lock’: File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is running...
fatal: Unable to create ‘/msg/.git/index.lock’: File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is running and remove the file manually to continue. 出现这种情况可以用以下解决...
针对你遇到的 Git 错误 fatal: unable to create 'f:/tgscode/sncode/web/.git/index.lock': file exists,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认 .git/index.lock 文件的存在 首先,需要确认 f:/tgscode/sncode/web/.git/index.lock 文件是否真的存在。你可以在文件资源管理器中直接导航到这个路径查看...
Git – fatal: Unable to create 'XXX/.git/index.lock’: File exists.的解决办法 我的说明: 我操作的是ubuntu环境。window远程 1 若在window下远程打开操作窗口(不是console),进入.git目录删除index.lock文件,删除后再commit会自动再次生成index.lock。无法提交。
1.git 提交出现这个错误fatal: Unable to create ‘project_path/.git/index.lock’: File exists. exists 解决办法 打开git Bash 进入项目目录 输入rm -f ./.git/index.lock 再回到AS就可添加了 on Windows del .git\index.lock 2.使用git 添加远程github仓库的时候提示错误:fatal: remote origin already ...
Another git process seemstobe runninginthisrepository,e.g.an editor openedby'git commit'.Please make sure all processes are terminated thentryagain.If it still fails,a git process may have crashedinthisrepository earlier:remove the file manuallytocontinue. ...
1 若在window下远程打开操作窗口(不是console),进入.git目录删除index.lock文件,删除后再commit会自动再次生成index.lock。无法提交。 2 使用putty console下操作,进入.git目录执行 rm -f index.lock 删除index.lock 虽然能删除,但是也是每次都会再生成。无法提交 ...
File exists. If you are pushing to Bitbucket Cloud and get a similar error, but it is aremote error, pleasecreate a support ticket: remote: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/master': Unable to create '<path>/./refs/heads/master.lock': ...
fatal: Unable to create 'C:/xxx/xxx/xxx/.git/index.lock': File exists. Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g. an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process ...