git tag -a v0.1 -m 'version 0.1 released' 3628164 //-a指定标签名,-m指定说明文字 git tag -s <tagname> -m 'blabla' //可以用PGP签名标签 git tag //查看所有标签 git show v1.0 //查看标签信息 git tag -d v0.1 //删除标签 git push origin <tagname> //推送某个标签到远程 git push ori...
git remoteaddorigin***fatal:remote origin already exists.(报错远程起源已经存在。) 1. 2. 上网查了下,有很多小白遇到过这个问题,以下是网上摘取的解决办法, 解决办法如下: 1、先输入 git remote rm origin2、再输入 git remoteaddorigin*** 1. 2. 这样就不会报错了! 第二个问题 git remote add origin...
git报错:fatal:remoteoriginalreadyexists怎么处理?附上g。。。git添加远程库的时候有可能出现如下的错误,怎么解决?只要两步:1、先删除 $ git remote rm origin 2、再次执⾏添加就可以了。 ---git常⽤操作--- 说明,以下整理来⾃廖雪峰⼤神的。1、安装git git config --global 'XXX...
fatal: destination path 'dp-203' already exists and is not an empty directory.Not Monitored Not Monitored Tag not monitored by Microsoft. 34,776 questions Sign in to follow 0 comments No comments Report a concern I have the same question 0 {count} votes Sign in to co...
If no gh-pages branch already exists, everything goes well except the branch isn't created so nothing is deployed Reproduction Steps Run the given yaml script with an already existing deploy branch. Was working when using v4 at a time but not anymore so I updated and still not working. Th...
fatal: remote origin already exists. Some context: This first happened when I was still running0.19.1so I updated to0.20.2but that didn't fix the problem. I've had a perfectly working podfile for a while, but I just changed one of my podsTSMessagesto point to version0.9.3and I began...
path.exists(output_dir): logging.fatal('output dir %s already exists', output_dir)'Writing to %s', output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) for regime, flat_modules in six.iteritems(generate.filtered_modules): regime_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, regime) os.mkdir(regime_dir...
\Stable-Diffusion-webui\stable-diffusion-webui-master\tmp\tag-autocomplete' already exists and is not an empty directory. ' 分享3514 git吧 火舞之光 为什么git clone不能用远程仓库名git remote add linux git clone linux --depth...
Since this is still an Acrobat/Windows.NET bug, I'm not going to tag it as "Answered" until it is either fixed or until Adobe provides an affirmative work around example that they endorse. That is - until we know that the result of this message being block...
opts["tag.galaxy"] ="base"_, err = stack.Create(stackName, stackTmpl, opts)iferr !=nil{ log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s", err) } log.Println("Initializing stack", stackName) } 开发者ID:zombor,项目名称:galaxy,代码行数:39,代码来源:stacks.go ...