fatal: 'refs/heads/(no branch)' is not a valid branch name. Closed - Fixed13 0Votes TKTommi Kiviniemi -Reported Aug 29, 2020 10:24 AM Sometimes, but not always, when you commit and select to also push your changes to git, the push window won’t select your ...
When trying to find unmerged branches in the plugin, get an error "fatal: 'HEAD' is not a valid branch name.". I have noticed this in Not sure of other 3.x versions. This feature used to work in 2.51.05. Steps to reproduce: O...
git checkout -b 本地分支名 远程分支名 当出现上述情况时,就会出现报错:fatal:‘XXX' is not a commit and a branch ‘XXX' cannot be created from it 二、问题原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只...
拉取不了这个分⽀。拉取分⽀的命令:git checkout -b xxx-static-19 origin/xxx-static-19 其中xxx-static-19是分⽀名。报错 fatal: 'origin/xxx-static-19' is not a commit and a branch 'xxx-static-19' cannot be created from it 解决 重新拉取数据,git pull ,然后再切回分⽀ ...
Bug description In gen59, we see errors like: We must be hitting this error, which gets traced here. Steps to reproduce Not sure. Maybe try starting a workspace, and delete the remote branch before the workspace starts, ideally after con...
报错:fatal: 'origin/dev_v2.8.4_v10.74.1' is not a commit and a branch 'dev_v2.8.4_v10.74.1' cannot be created from it 主要原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只有在进行网络请求时才会跟...
如果新建的文件仅初始化(git init)不做提交操作就开始创建分支(git branch 分支名),将会报错fatal: Not a valid object name: ‘master’. 措施 初始化init后,需要进行一次在主分支的提交操作,然后再创建别的分支即可成功。... SourceTree 使用手册(问题篇) ...
问题如下图,在本地初始化新建的空git项目后并不能创建分支问题(readme.txt是我加上去的,至于原因看后面) 这里提示 fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master',后来使用git status 发现了问题,根据提示顺利解决。 值得注意的是,倘若git项目下没有任何文件可以commit,那么这样子执行也是没有用的,估计是初始的mas...
fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'. 2016-10-17 11:05 −fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'. the answer is : That is again correct behaviour. Until you commit, there is no master branch... 梦见舟 0 232 git报错fatal: loose object ...(stored in .git/objects/...) ...
Gitでbranchを切ろうとしたら「fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'.」とエラーが出たときの対処法 おそらく、gitでこれからプログラム管理しようとしたときに出くわすエラーだと思います。 エラーの内容としては、 「ブランチ名 'master' は有効ではありません(他のブランチ名を使...