In November 2001, a 3 month old, previously healthy, unvaccinated infant died of diphtheria in south eastern Finland. The illness began with laryngeal cough and low grade fever, and progressed in one week to severe respiratory distress r... P Nuorti,Pekka Suomalainen,T Heiskanen-Kosma,... ...
FATAL CHRONIC NEPHRITIS IN A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL WITH ONLY ONE KIDNEY AND A HISTORY OF SCARLET FEVERThe recognition of the factors which in a given individual have led to the development of chronic nephritis, is both difficult and important. The whole problem of the etiology of chr...
Vincent Yuwono, Owner of Ayuterra Resort, On Trial for Negligent Manslaughter in Death of 5 Young Hotel Workers Dutchwoman (24) Dies on Bali Mt. Agung Fatal Accidents,ObituaryMay 28, 2024May 28, 2024Bali Update Editorial Team 24 Year Old Dutch Tourist Dies After Falling Into a Ravine on ...
A 72-year-old woman on immunosuppressive therapy for renal transplantation was admitted to the hospital for diffuse, progressive weakness that developed over several weeks. Serum creatine kinase steadily increased and she developed myoglobinuria. Blood cultures were positive for group A Streptococcus pyoge...
A 2.5-year-old Iranian (Persian) girl was referred to our hospital owing to complaints of abdominal pain and mild fever. She had history of liver transplantation due to biliary atresia when she was 7 months old without any family history for malignancy. On physical examination, abdominal guardin...
During the following months, she showed good evolution, allowing to decrease corticosteroids and withholding one year after the beginning of the disease. Later she presented Discussion We describe the case of a patient with sJIA and pulmonary veno-occlusive disease that resulted in pulmonary artery hy...
A 73-year-old man who had had a splenectomy and had a fatal case of babesiosis. Serum specimens from the patient were assayed by indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing and immunoprecipitation for reactivity with antigens from various Babesia species. Whole blood obtained from the patient before...
an unforeseen occurrence, especially one of an injurious nature. cerebral vascular accident(cerebrovascular accident(CVA))stroke syndrome. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights ...
Dr. Greene's Answer: A five-year-old child eats every few hours to take in the fuel that he needs for energy, growth, and bodily repair. Usually, eating
Despite the prevalence of LASV, only hundreds to thousands of cases of Lassa fever are diagnosed each year10, suggesting that most infections are undocumented and mild. Why severe disease and death only occurs in a subset of LASV infections is not clear. Although old age11and pregnancy2,3are...