Fatal Erro..#心灵终结#今儿打开客户端显示了个这个心灵终结3.3.6显示指定的参数已超出有效的范围。然后打算玩一把就显示这个了,遭遇战和任务都出现了这个Yuri's Revenge has encountered
yuri s rev..玩终结者任务奈河桥那关,油轮到地图下方了之后,就弹出这个。有大佬知道怎么弄吗yuri s revenge has encountered a fatal errorwould you like to create a full crash report for the developers
Tried it with the 98/me compatibility and admin user privilege enabled (admin account anyway), still getting the FATAL String error. No one found other solutions?Weirdly enough, Yuri's Revenge runs FINE, the error only comes up when trying to play RA2. Edited by user Saturday, De...
When I install and run Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge from original disk or from C & C First Decade I get a \"Red Alert 2 Not - ***FATAL** string manager ...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTJ8Mi4xfGl8MT...
Help! I don't know what to do. I play Yuri's Revenge, and this thing worked just yesterday, and now it doesn't. It says the same boring thing:***FATAL*** String manager failed to initialized properlyWhere do you find the 'run as administrator' command? (please tell me exactly wher...
在主界面一点开始游戏就弹出这个,咋回事 Yuri's Revenge has encountered a fatal error! Would you like to create a full crash report for the developers? 图片发不上我就把英文打出来了 兼容都调了,还是会出现这个 分享55 心灵终结吧 2333333曾 yuri s revenge has encountered a fatal error would you...
萌新求助..在主界面一点开始游戏就弹出这个,咋回事Yuri's Revenge has encountered a fatal error!Would you like to create a full cras
Private Joined: 5/31/2009(UTC)Posts: 2 well i got red alert 2 to work but yuri's revenge still doesnt work for me Dracula456 #24 Posted : Monday, June 29, 2009 10:28:44 PM(UTC) Private Joined: 6/29/2009(UTC)Posts: 1Location: SG another way if your laptop/co...