I am facing an error in Modelsim that I am not able to track it at all. The error is It is really confused me. I have the file "cpci_header.hex" and I have putted it in the all possible paths but still the same error. I don't know where shou...
在打开Modelsim或者通过ISE调用Modelsim时,出现fatal license error: unable to check a viewer licence nessary for use of the Modelsim graphical user inteface.Vism is closing 解决方法: win10(win8中同样有效)中是这样的 这台电脑》右键选择【属性】》【高级系统设置】》【环境变量】点击【新建】打开编辑对话...
I tried to load a testbench in Modelsim after successful compilation in Quartus and Modelsim. But it encountered a fatal error: "** Fatal: (vsim-3365) /home/yumeng/Desktop/proc_testbench.v(33): Too many port connections. Expected 9, found 20." It seems ...
操作环境:Win7 32位系统 软件版本:Modelsim SE 10.1a Modelsim SE软件有时会弹出如图1所示“Fatal License Error”的提示信息,原因可能是软件破解不彻底,再重复一次软件的破解即可。 图1
quartus和modelsim联调仿真时,modelsim中出现Fatal error in Process line__12 at E:/quartus project/mux41/mux.vhd line 17怎么解决,大神帮帮忙! 0 2016-11-5 21:51:48 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 钱高荣 相关推荐 • modelsim和Quartus使用问题 5868 • 请问我的Quartus在编译后自动调用ModelSim 就会仿...
11335 - ModelSim (MXE, SE, PE) - "Fatal Error: Obsolete Library Format for Design Unit" (VHDL, Verilog) Description General Description: The following error occurs when I load a design in ModelSim (VSIM): "# ** Fatal: ERROR: Obsolete library format for design unit (see above) ...
在打开Modelsim或者通过ISE调用Modelsim时,出现fatal license error: unable to check a viewer licence nessary for use of the Modelsim graphical user inteface.Vism is closing: 解决方法: win10(win8中同样有效)中是这样的 这台电脑》右键选择【属性】... ...
ModelSim and QuestaSim show the following Fatal: (vsim-3363) error when running SRIO simulation without HELLO mode. ** Fatal: (vsim-3363) (): The array length () of VHDL port '' of its Verilog connection () connection. FATAL ERROR while loading design. ...
This error may occur in the ModelSim® simulator when you use an incorrect coding style for modules. In Verilog-1995, module declarations must not contain the size of the port being declared. They mus
The following error is seen when running functional simulation of the PCIe example design in ModelSim. Loading unisim.mmcme2_adv(mmcme2_adv_v) # ** Fatal: (vsim-3729) Value ?(1095521093) of generic "clkfbout_use_fine_ps" is out of range false (0) to true (1). ...