VirtualBox fatal error during installation is often menacing for people hoping to use the virtualization application. This error will suddenly terminate the installation, and you will not be able to runWindows 10 as a host. While installingVirtualBoxis straightforward, you may sometimes face this d...
【求助】刚开始学Linux,求助个问题,谢谢第一次装Centos 7,捣鼓了一天了,终于能进安装界面,但是在软件包安装的地方又出现了问题,怎么都解决不了(用的是VirtualBox 4.3.12 ) 分享272 minecraft_realtrai...吧 Big_Cake 【求助】服务器问题 谁知道服务器出现A fatal error has occurred,this connection is ...
Copy the .tar file to ANY linux machine. I happened to have a VirtualBox running another Arch instance so I went there. In the Linux machine, create a new directory, go there, and run this commandsudo tar --same-owner -xvpf /path/to/Arch.tar ...