The H-flux always has a part along 9−pF6−p and it is exactly this part that neces- sarily becomes singular (the other directions can also blow up) since that part contributes positively to the charge density in H ∧ F6−p. The coefficient of H along that direction is then ...
Chinese anti-Buddhists tried to demonstrate that the spirit was mortal, because they thought that by doing so they could refute the Buddhist teachings of karma and rebirth , and so would deal a serious blow to the credibility of the... Chris,Holcombe,Karen,... - 《European Journal of Surgi...
There are critical questions surrounding the continued use of the diagnosis of ExDS/AgDS that require further exploration. The first question concerns the potentially confounding effect that restraint has on the risk of death among ExDS/AgDS cases. The second question is more nuanced, but just as...
But the most common, and seriously debated, excuse-of-an-explanation was the "cataclysm" theory, which proposed that the species was wiped out "at one blow" by "some cyclonic disturbance" or "cataclysmic agency" over a large body of water—usually the Gulf of Mexico.22 But sheer common ...
But after affirmative action at colleges survived multiple previous challenges at the Supreme Court, the bench’s increasingly conservative makeup has now handed down a major blow. “In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on ...