Remember the quilt I showed you a few weeks back that I made for my daughter, Savannah’s room (blog post here)? Well, back in the day (3 years ago) I purchased a jelly roll and fat quarter bundle from Fat Quarter Shop to complete this quilt. I still have a few scraps left ove...拼布 Fat Quarter Shop's 'Sew Sampler' Monthly Subscription Quilting Box! - August 201
拼布Easy Fat Quarter Quilt with Half Square Triangles and NO POINTS to Match Geom 45 -- 3:09 App 拼布Behind the Scenes Filming - Me & My Sister Designs at the Fat Quarter Shop 247 -- 35:58 App 串珠15x15x8 mm Tile Cabochon _ How to bead around mosaic tile 119 -- 0:46 App 做完...
8 人观看 0:40 qqsgobcxwwcm 3 人观看 88 人观看 • 19 8月 2018年 18:11 1 人赞过 Reutova Elena 1,999个粉丝 Website: Quilt: Fabric: h...
Backyard Bloomsis available now, in your favorite quilt shop (hopefully!) andtons of places online. I'll share my otherFat Quarter Shufflequilts next week...they look so different in other fabrics. Happy weekend!
(For those shopping, you can find RSSon Etsyand at theFat Quarter Shop.In Australia you’ll find a great selection atThe Next Stitch.)* This is a great pattern to help use up your stash. I’m really keen to use up more of my stash as I’ve found my older fabrics are suffering ...
Kelsey has an Etsy store called Bolding Designs It is easy to order and well before your card comes you can have your sticker ready to go. There are just a few of the many designs she makes. It also makes a cute gift for your Mah Jongg loving...
I’m taking a break from virtual events and would like to take a full quarter to just focus on training before I tackle 13.1 again. My hope is that it can happen at an in person event some time in the end of Q1 2021. My fingers are crossed for safe racing so I can really put ...
“We documented more than a one-quarter decline in bird abundance and almost complete avoidance by some species between noise-on and noise-off periods along the phantom road,” Barber said. “There were no such effects at control sites. This suggests that traffic noise is a major driver of ...
Adding the accumulating angst, the yarn started having these weird splits where it would go from three plies down to one for about a quarter of an inch. Normally, this sort of thing doesn’t bother me all that much, in fact it’s one of the things I sometimes roll my eyes about whe...