Your weight gain is not a simple matter of overindulgence and indolence, but of survival and miscommunication. You are NOT a gluttonous sloth with a predisposition for stuffing your face all hours of the day while planted firmly on your backside. There is a perfectly good answer as to WHY yo...
And it is a dirty little secret in the industry which companies you’ll need another company’s formula, duplicate it in a lab, subsequently slap their particular label on face value. As a consumer, this may gain advantage you if the copy cat offers for less money. But couple of is, m...
After losing weight and becoming fit I’ve discovered that it was fun for awhile to try revealing clothes at stores. I would try to wear it in public, but it just felt too much, even if it made me look stunning. You don’t get many occasions in your life where you need to look ...
Here’s research, right here in your face, saying that almost nobody can do this, and the few who do don’t seem particularly happy about what they have to sacrifice to maintain it…yet you hate yourself for not being able to do it anyway, and will fall out the window with that Sup...
CUSTOMER: “God bless you?” What does that even mean? Which god? Why would he she or it want to “bless” me? Do you really think God’s plan for me changes based on you blessing me? PANEL 5 The customer leans into the clerk’s face and pokes him in the chest; the clerk, ...
First, let me share with you how I almost died from aBIG BELLYwithpneumonia. There I was38 pounds overweight, suffering from atight chest,shortness of breath,fever temp of 103on and off for weeks... Every breath was like razor blades,infected bloody lungs, fatigue, runny nose,deadly high...
For current updates and discussion, please Likethe new Big Fat Deal Facebook page. (The old group, BFDivas and BFDudes, is being retired.) I’m 15 minutes intoPitch Perfect,so in about an hour, I’m going to need everyone to come by and talk to me about Fat Amy. I hope everyone...
Time to Face the Music I was still in a near state of shock when I met with the doctor. What he said to me did little to soothe me. “Young lady, if you do not change your eating habits and your lifestyle, you are on your way to developing type II diabetes.” Holding a large...
It is worth baring in mind that ecological data such as this doesn’t necessarily prove that saturated fat can protect against heart disease, but it can more or less disprove a theory as let’s face it, it’s difficult to believe that saturated fat is a major contributor to heart disease...
-My mother is a near 40 per cent of women, her hard work, good things. Although she is more than 40 years old, Tall stature, fat thin, there are some slight wrinkles on his forehead, often hung with a smile on his face. Mother kind, her childhood taught me to be honest, generous...