Ingredients for reduced fat shortcrust pastry.The article evaluates Sustagrain wholegrain barley and N-Dulge FR tapioca dextrin and starch solution ingredients for reduced fat shortcrust pastry from Ingredion Inc.EBSCO_bspFood Engineering & Ingredients...
forsaturatedfatare20gperdayfor womenand30gperdayformen. Typesoffatinthediet It’sessentialtohavesomefatinthediet,asithasanumberofimportant functions;fatprovidesaconcentratedsourceofenergy:ithelpsthebodyabsorb fatsolublevitaminsA,D,EandK:anditisasourceofessentialfattyacids, whichareneededforthestructureof...
The functional properties of food products, in addition to enrichment with functional components, can also be achieved by reducing the content of certain components such as sugars and fats, that is, by reducing the energy content of the product. Thus, the development of functional food products ...