Declines in turnout will probably be seen in about twice as many states as saw increases. But while most non-swing states probably saw drops in turnout, it is likely to be the case that most of the seven swing states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and...
Here in Arizona Jan 13 Posted byJenn Yeah, so I dropped off the face of the planet for a while, whoops? To those that have blogged before—you know that it’s something a bit like a double-edged sword. It’s nice to put your words out there, in the void, and just get them ou...
The man clasps his hands excitedly as he thinks of a mini-truck, stars in his eyes. The background is his thought bubble, and in the bubble is an image of him driving in a cute green mini-truck. Captions surrounding the mini-truck say “less expensive” and “better gas mileage” and...
Pet owners risk rashes, diseases, bites, and worms when they neglect pet care basics. And dogs and cats can suffer needlessly, too. This WebMD slideshow lays out scenarios and offers suggestions to help avoid mistakes.
Arizona Sun Lip-Kist lip balm– Haha, I like that this is “kissed with lemon” and the tube looks like it. I’ll save this in my growing collection of lip balms. It feels like something I’d want to use in the summer! Arizona Sun bath and shower gel– I like that this is para...