He went, pit-a-pat, and sat on the mat.一天晚上,威尔玛出去了,胖猫从桶里走出来。他走过来声音噼里啪啦的,然后他坐到了垫子上。 “This is MY mat!” said the rat. “So what,” said the cat. “So get off!” said the rat. “No I won't,” said the cat.“这是我的垫子,”小...
The fat cat sat on the mat. “Get off!” said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. Will the rat get the fat cat off the mat?
《The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat (I Can Read, Level 1)胖猫坐在垫子上 英文原版》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:1998年7月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。ThisismymatThefatcatsatonthemat.Getoffsaidtherat.B
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The 胖猫坐在门垫上》,作者:Nurit Karlin(努利特·卡林) 著 Nurit Karlin(纽瑞特·卡林) 绘,出版社:音像供货。最新《Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The 胖猫坐在门垫上》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息
This is my mat! The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. So the rat got his bat. Then the rat got his hat. Will the rat and the bat and the hat get the fat cat off the mat?
The fat cat sat on the mat. \"Get off!\" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. So the rat got his bat. Then the rat got his hat. Will the rat and the bat and the hat get the fat cat off the mat? 这是我的席子! 肥胖猫坐席子。 \ “得到! \”鼠说。 但肥胖猫正义星期...
Fat Cat Sat on the Mat Unabridged, TheThis is my mat! The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. So the rat got his bat. Then the rat got his hat. Will the rat and the bat and the hat get the fat cat off the mat?Nurit Karlin...
The Fat Cat Sat On The Mat 29 2023-08 3 A Bargain for Frances 30 2023-08 4 Let's Gate a Pup! Said Kate 63 2023-08 5 Fox and His Friends 40 2023-08 6 Iris And Walter -the Substitute Teacher 18 2023-08 7 Breakout at the Bug Lab ...
睡垫上的大肥猫 Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The 语言: 中文绘本 标签: 趣味类 启蒙类 适合年龄:3岁-6岁 评分: 作者: Nurit Karlin 出版社: Oversea Publishing House 出版日期:2003年12月 内容简介 This is my mat! The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just...