[Interface]...PostUp= wg set %i private-key /etc/wireguard/wg0.key <(cat /some/path/%i/privkey) Technically, multiple servers can share the same private key as long as clients arent connected to two servers with the same key simulatenously. An example of a scenario where this is a ...
The Goombas even refer to her as “hottie” and “baby.” Related: Microsoft Announces Another Round of Devastating Layoffs: Employees Notified Via 'Gut Stab' Email All of this dialogue has been removed and toned down for the remake, per another Reddit post. They removed the cat calling. H...
12-11 13:26 来自微博网页版 redditr/bearsdoinghumanthings,顾名思义就是“熊行人事/熊做出人类般的行为”版。分享新老熊🐻图。(规避一些刻板行为的动图,不过区里还是会有一些这样的图和视频~熊门!🙏) 动 动 动 动 长 动 +9 û 2464 335 ...
5月份的 Amex Plat 100K 开卡奖励风波到现在都还在持续,本以为会渐渐平息下来,没想到这次 Amex 是玩真的了到现在都还有人的 100k 开卡点数在逐渐被收回。我们先来清理一下时间线: 5月19日,有网友从 Dans Deal 网站发现了泄露的 Amex Plat 100k 开卡奖励链接,贴到了 Reddit 。...
而且和 Citi 是合作关系,普天盖地的联名信用卡广告不少朋友肯定也看到过。AA 里程曾经是中美间里程票兑换最好用的选择之一,但是经过16年的一轮大贬值,中美单程经济/商务/头等的里程票从35k/55k/67.5k贬值到了37.5k/70k/110k,痛心疾首啊!但是用来出单程商务(尤其是国…...
[Interface]...PostUp= wg set %i private-key /etc/wireguard/wg0.key <(cat /some/path/%i/privkey) Technically, multiple servers can share the same private key as long as clients arent connected to two servers with the same key simulatenously. An example of a scenario where this is a ...