【Fastweb 推出 Wi-Fi 通话,在没有蜂窝覆盖地区也可通信】据ilsoftware网7月18日报道,Fastweb宣布为所有住宅和企业客户推出Wi-Fi通话(VoWi-Fi),以提高通话质量,并允许在没有蜂窝覆盖的地区进行通信。所有拥有 WiFi Calling 兼容智能手机的客户现在都可以拨打和接听电话,即使没有连接到手机蜂窝。无需额外费用,该服务...
have had fastweb wifi and cell for 2 years. first it took liek 6 weeks for the technician to come and actually set up my wifi I studied and work from home and wifi is a must. it often went very slow or cut out completely. the last straw was the company hounding me to change my...
I work from home so I need the WiFi! I used to be a happy client of Fastweb but this is really terrible. I think I'm going to change to Vodafone or something. Very disappointed. Date of experience: August 24, 2022 UsefulShare GB Giannicola Baiardi IT•4 reviews Jun 28, 2022 ...
#行业关注# 5G开启运营商流量大战 WiFi未来会消失吗? - 如今5G概念已不再陌生,按照行业认同的说法:2017年至2018年5G将在国内开始有序测试,2019年进行预商用。工信部之前已表示,中国将在2020年启动5G商用。对于广大普通用户而言,5G带来的最直观感受将是网速的极大提升和生活的更加智能便捷,同时 ......