FastStone Image Viewer (FSViewer.exe). FastStone Image Viewer is a user-friendly image browser, converter and editor.
FastStone Image Viewer'sinterface looks a bitoutdated and it's much too busy.It's not immediately obvious what all the buttons at the top of the screen do and it over complicates the layout. But the drop down menus are well organized and logical, which makes it much easier to access the...
FastStone Image Viewer comes with a great range of image viewing options. First off, there is the standard filebrowserthatdisplays thumbnails of your images with a preview windowfor the file that is currently selected. The program also offers an option tocheck out individual picturesin full-screen...
(1) At first, open the FastStone Image Viewer and select the images folder from the left-side corner. You have to just select one image from the folder and it will automatically zoom in two times. After zooming in the images can be moved with the help of the cursor. (2) After zoomed...
1. select the images folder from the left corner after opening the FastStone Image Viewer. You can see all the images on the screen. Select one image, and it will automatically zoom in two times. After zooming in, you can also move the images with the cursor. ...
FastStone Image Viewer allows you to access file properties easily, such as EXIF metadata, histogram etc. directly from the main screen of the application, instead of going to the file location and viewing properties after right-clicking on the file. ...
办公人导航分享的FastStone Image Viewer中文版,又称黄金眼图片浏览器,是一款小巧的免费看图软件的图像查看器,支持图像编辑,批量转换,批量重命名等功能,调整图片各种参数等,并且可以编辑及转换RAW/NEF。个人使用免费商业使用付费,大家可以从办公人导航网分享的软件博客网站下载注册版。 FastStone Image Viewer官网网址:...
FastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping, retouching and color adjustmen
FastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor, you can use FastStone Image Viewer online on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, and more...
FastStone Image Viewer sports a clean, easy-to-navigate interface. The layout is straightforward, with a folder tree on the left panel for browsing, a preview window in the center, and quick access toolbars at the top and bottom.